Represents an IPLD link to a specific data of type T.

Template: T

Logical type of the data being linked to.

Template: C

multicodec code corresponding to a codec linked data is encoded with

Template: A

multicodec code corresponding to the hashing algorithm of the CID

interface LegacyLink<T> {
    [Marker]?: T;
    byteLength: number;
    byteOffset: number;
    bytes: ByteView<Link<T, 112, 18, 0>>;
    code: 112;
    multihash: MultihashDigest<18>;
    version: 0;
    equals(other): other is Link<T, 112, 18, Version>;
    link(): Link<T, 112, 18, 0>;
    toString<Prefix>(base?): ToString<Link<T, 112, 18, Version>, Prefix>;
    toV1(): Link<T, 112, 18, 1>;

Type Parameters

  • T extends unknown = unknown

Hierarchy (view full)


[Marker]?: T
byteLength: number
byteOffset: number
bytes: ByteView<Link<T, 112, 18, 0>>
code: 112
multihash: MultihashDigest<18>
version: 0


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